Category Archives: shows

Spoiler Country – Star Wars: The Force Awakens

spoiler county star wars

I wrote a page of what I think will happen in the new Star Wars movie. It’s an exquisite corpse script written by a ton of people and we’re reading it at UCB Franklin on Monday.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens blasts into theaters on December 18th, with a screenplay allegedly written by JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan. Or was it?? Come catch a sneak preview of the REAL screenplay for Star Wars Episode VII, written round-robin style by a rogue squadron of UCB’s funniest writers!

Written by: Jon Bershad, Ian Brennan, Julie Brister, Mark David Christenson, Joey Clift, Danny Cohen, Eric Cunningham, Joan Ford, Skander Halim, Jessica Haymond, Haley Hepworth, Ryan Hitchcock, Gina Ippolito, David Kantrowitz, Jess Lane, Marie Lively, Chuck Maa, Mark Mitchell, Tim Neenan, Kerry O’Neill, Joseph Porter, Cait Raft, Jake Regal, Tim Saccardo, Mark Schroeder, Rye Silverman, Gregory Lawrence Smith, Wilder Smith, Scott Sonne, Sydney Steinberg & Jeff Topolski, Mike Still, Lesley Tsina, & Heather Woodward

Hosted by: Mark David Christenson, Ryan Hitchcock, David Kantrowitz, and Jess Lane

Tickets $5 here: